
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Woven journal day 19

Interesting and fascinating as always.

This day 19 we where just starting the day with a shinny, beautiful day when suddenly one of the members of the Friday Group showed into the Attic: Artist Sonja Hidas (
Not only we shared some interesting exchange of ideas regarding the visual project and the need to explore each medium as independent languages, but also the need to respect each form of expression to have their own communicative process with the spectator.
In her home page, I found this quote from James LoParo:

The compositions of Sonja Hidas are at once linear and spontaneous. The result is a visceral experience that invites you to participate in the intellect of nature.

And going through her artwork, you can understad the meaning of it.

The day passes, weaving, singing and listening to music. This time Christmas Harp soft music is the one that creates this ambiance of Winter Holiday Season soon to come.

Sybil, lovely as always, invites the weavers for lunch, which we did gladly.

It is such a feast for all the delicious food there is alwasy around the table.

We were many at the table, even some special textile guests:

We had some visitors: Sybils 8 wild cats. Some decided to pose for the photo, some where just hiding, but they were all invited to share this wonderful day at Joshua Creek.

The Attic was really lucky because has been visited by all different kinds of artists and interesting people. At the end of the week I had some artists friend from Quebec visiting me, and of course we had to bring them to the Attic.

Owen Tuf one of my friends,textile artist and landscaper (below one of her pieces that participated in the International Encounter of Textile Arts in Moon Rain Centre las Summer: When thirteen Moon Entwine)

also has been teaching yoga, dance and creative movement in the Wakefield area for several years. Her own practice is about discovering what it means to be a good human-animal and emphasizes creativity and a strong connection with the Body Earth. owen's classes follow the unique combination of Kripalu Yoga - blending traditional postures and breathwork - with the technology of modern kinesthetics. Students not only benefit from the centering, strength and flexibility that yoga brings, but are also encouraged to deepen their relationship to the wisdom of their own bodies.

And what can I say about Gabby, she is also an awesome person. We had so much fun together and thinking all the possible ways we can create more and more ideas in this world to get us even closer!

TThank you to all the wonderful people who are making this tapestry Attic a place of gathering ideas and sharing a wonderful space through Sybil. It will be an unforgettable experience!

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