
Monday, March 7, 2011

Family Art at Town Hall

Two weeks ago The Town of Oakville organized the first exhibition showing what us, newcomers to Canada, have to share in the Arts. I was happy to participate along with my kids Esteban and Sofia Powell. They both submitted acrylics and for the first time we had our shared space in a Gallery.
We moved to Canada in 2005 and we have been really happy watching the kids explore a new Country, new Culture and making new friends.

It is wonderful that this time we share the same scenario with something as great as Art.

We are really greatful with this Town (City) that has opened its wings to our family and letting us explore our artistic souls. Through the OAC-Oakville Arts Council, Art Works Oakville ,CUAS- Community Arts Space and the Town of Oakville. All supportive the organisms dedicated to enhance the Culture of this place.

I do not know if my kids will actually pursue an artistic career, but for now they are doing great, along with their instruments: piano and Guitar

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