
Monday, July 25, 2011

Explorations in colour and texture

Explorations in texture and colour

Working in fibres is always interesting because the results of integrating different materials and textures are always different. Not only the incidence of light creating different shadow effects, but the materials itself tend to speak for themselves.

Excellent review created this exhibit in Mexico City.

Mexico is a country full of contrasts in colours, textures, tastes, ethnias...and for this reason the inspiration for some canadian artists when invited to participa

Participating in the Encounter Mexico-Canada 2 months ago, Canadian artist had the opportunity to share space with Mexican fibre artists creating a dialogue of diverse languages related to textures, colour and techniques.

Canadian Artist Stella Tang (Originally from Singapore)

had her piece inspired in a pre-Columbian image and reflected her tapestry in this theme. She has been an artist who has explored many varieties of textures, working in beadwork, painting, needleweaving, tapestry, quilting among others.

It was really interesting to see how the same technique can be translated in so many different ways, such as this interpretation of watermelons of Georgette with cotton, wool and silk as shown below:

Other examples shown in the exhibition at the Anahuac University in Mexico City, during the VI International Bienial of Textile Art where interesting because it showed textures from the heart of Mexico. Rough natural fibres that express themselves through natural colours such as this one from Carmen Tejada

or Claudia Gonzalez.

Other examples where from the Artist Thoma Ewen, who brought her Ribbons of Light diplaying all her wonderful colours woven in an exquisite tapestry:

There where displayed different formats and techn iques, like this one from Krystyna Sadej,

or others in other formats such as mini textiles from Lourdes Aspe or Stella Tang.

to large scalesuch as this one

: Nocturno, made by me, or

the largest tapestry displayed in this exhibition :Inspirations from a Birch Tree (4.5 meters W X 2.20 meters H )as shown here in the installation of the largest piece.

This is one of four tapestry series inspired in the Four seasons though fibre by Georgette Geddovious, former student of Textile Creativo almost 20 years ago. It was so nice to see old friends and peers and share works together again!

Of course, we could not have been complete without the pressence of Peter Harris, from Ayton, Ontario, who participated with this interesting and wonderfully woven tapestry: (above see detail)

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