Friday, January 27, 2012

Exhibit at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum

Polish pride weaves its tapestry spell in Almonte - Entertainment - By Desmond Devoy Almonte/Carleton Place Entertainment Arts

I would like to take this space to thank Krystyna sadej for inviting me and all the participant artists: Thoma Ewen. Thomas Chronenberg, Monique Lehman, Ewa Mazusz-Bartosz.
All together we presented a very eclectic yet interesting view of contemporary tapestries in Almonte, Ontario, at the Mississippi Valley textile Museum.

I appreciate the press review presented by Desmond Devoy. It is always important to show Public in general the presence of the fibre arts, especially tapestry. It is such a delicate, time-consuming technique that the awareness of such manufactures by the community is essential.