First of all before I tell you all about Day 5 at the Attic, I have to let you know about the advances on the series of tapestries. This textured bark was a photograph I took in a park in Algonquin Park.
It is challenging because all of the fractal black lines that creates some kind of sectioned surface. I am glad I am weaving this parallel to the one in the attic because colour wise it is completely different and it makes me concentrate in different projects at the same time depending on the day of the week.
Now coming back to Day # 5
Today we had to be a bit reserved because of the workshop being held downstairs... So, Il Divo and Classical music it was.
It was another inspired day. Who wouldn't just to be here at Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre!
Not only because Yamile brought AREPAS, yummy! this is a traditional sort of cake made out of corn flour, cheese, butter which can be eaten with ham ! We started the day with this treat.
Another interesting thing was that Sofia my daughter came to the Studio to weave and help on the writing of this journal. Thank you Sofia. You are always so supportive of everything I do. I truly love you.
Cant wait to weave up to the level where she can get her hands on, since she cannot be at the level of the floor like we are for now. She has been one of the most prolific weavers of the Oakville Tapestry Studio and will be great to have her share of weaving in this amazing project. Thank you Stella.
Gorgeous textures and colours!!
Reminds me of the photographer (whose name I cannot recall) who did some gorgeous very realistic close up photos of tree back. Such intriguing shapes and colours and textures.
You're a treasure, Ixchel! Love the blog.
Bev Biderman
I mean tree BARK!!
Hola!! Siempre maravillada por tus obras! Tengo una pregunta tecnica sobre el tapiz en que estas reproduciendo las rocas, me da la impresion que son urdimbres superpuestas, es asi o me equivoco? Se ve espectacular!!
Es increible el juego de colores y texturas! Espero poder pasar algun dia por el atico.
Un beso.
Juanita S.
No Juanita, todo es tejido plano y soumak. Lo que cambia es el material.
The question was if it was overlayered warp on the bark, but I am telling Juanita it is all plain weave stucture and soumak. What changes is the materials.
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